Friday, June 6, 2014


Hello everyone! ♥

Guess what? I'm gonna teach you how to do a Galaxy Eye Makeup! Is it exciting? Hihi :3 If you gonna ask me, I personally love galaxy! ♥.♥ I love how the color combination of it, more on black and violet. Also since I'm missing Kris of EXO :(  (FYI, Kris loves Galaxy so much) ♥ That's why did this one. So if you wanna learn to know how I did this one. Just keep on reading! :*

Are you excited? Because me I'm really excited! ♥ I really want to share with girl this tutorial. Since I haven't seen any Galaxy Inspired tutorial. Hihi :3

So let's get started!

Here's my step by step tutorial on how to achieve those Majestic Galaxy Eyes! (You can also see it larger by just clicking the picture) Ü♥

                    PART 1                                                            PART 2


Have you followed and understand my tutorial? :) Simple right? Yet this eye makeup is really cool! You can also do this makeup if you have special events in schools like JS or if just want to be simply different from others! hihi :3


What can you say about this tutorial? :) Do you like it? Share me yours too! Just comment down below! :')

Thankyou for reading! :*
See you on my next post ♥♥♥

1 comment :

  1. Blue and violet are really nice combination. It was nice that you managed to combine other shades (brown and gold) to that look! it looked great on you


Angel Wing Heart