Thursday, September 4, 2014


Hello! ♥

Waaah! I miss you guys!.·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.  Ofcourse, I really miss blogging 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 Sorry again for being hiatus, my lazy syndrome attack me plus the fact that I'm really busy at school. It took almost 2 month since I post a review, am I correct? :) My Etude House Dear Darling Tint been delayed which is supposed to be post last week of June. So Im sorry guys! :) But don't worry as I said on that review, I still have a lot of product to review for. And I think, you will also like those product! *crossfinger* Hihihi :3 So for now, I want to share another lip tint review. Ohh! I'm currently having a love and hate relationship with this one! Wanna know why?

 Name: Tony Moly Delight Tint
Price: 180 php
Shade: 01 (Cherry Pink) and 02 (Red)
where to buy: Yeppeo Yeppeo Shop


I'm really inlove with its packaging! (´ ▽`).。o♡ FYI, I really love heart shapes, everytime I saw hearts my eyes are really sparkling because of happiness. That's why when I first saw this online, I felt "love at first sight" Hahaha.\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/ Srsly, I really love what Tony Moly did on its packaging. It almost the same size as my Etude House Dear Darling Tint but etude is much more slimmer than this one. On its bottom part you'll see a heart drawing using a chalk. While on its top, the lid of the tint has a heart shape on it (see picture on the side for reference) See what Im telling you? Unique and cuteness overload!! Wiiih (´∀`)♡


 Ohh! I also love the scent of this one! Not too strong nor sweet. It has a cherry-like smell that is really addicting! Sometimes, when I use this I always bite my lips because of its smell and taste. The number reason why I like this one because this one doesn't have any weird/bitter taste that a lip tint usually has. The scent and taste of this one is really same unlike other lip tints I'd tried.



The lip tint has a liquid-gel texture that's why its great for doing gradient lips for me. As you can see on the picture above, yes the lip tint dried up easily so be careful! Especially if want it to use on your cheeks. For the color pay off, is really great! Very pigmented and very nice color! My favorite is the red one. :) The only problem with this one, it last only approximately 3-4 hours without eating and drinking. But the fan part is after 4 hours, it leave stain! I love lip tint that stains because for me that is the number job of lip tints to stain on your lips :) This tint also looks good on pictures.  For a price? This is worth it! Thumbs up! ♥

Lip Swatch:
Shade: 01 (Cherry Pink)

Shade: 02 (Red)


Very pigmented
Travel Friendly
Contain lot of its product
Unique packaging
Great tint for doing a gradient lips
Makes my face glow
Plum my lips
✓ Can be use on cheeks
 ✓Cherry scent
✓ No bitter taste

× Dry my lips (Little bit!)
× Not Long lasting
× Avail only online (not sure)


I really hate how I love this lip tint! (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖  This is my current favorite lip tint as now. Why? I'd mention you earlier that I have a "love and hate relationship" with this tint because the lasting power of this is also not long lasting. Like my EH Dear Darling Tint this one doesn't also last my lips the whole and need to retouch after 3-4 hours. But, the color pay-off of this one is really amazing especially the red one! With just one swipe you'll already have that bitten-sexy-freshlooking lips. Yes! This liptint has that effect, when I'm using the red one it makes my face glow. Unbelievable!(^v^)It has a perfect red color that is very suitable for everyone. Even my blockmates love this one! :) Ohh! When I am using this one, I don't need any hardcore makeup. Just powder, blush and this lip tint do the trick! :3 Perfect for students like me! ♥

This is me wearing Tony Moly Delight Tint in 02 Red





Would I recommend it? YES! Even though it's not long lasting this tint is really good! Especially if you are looking for a red tint that will suited your skin tone and want a fresh and glowing effect on face! :)

Would I repurchase it? Ofcourse, Yes! I really love this, and I want to purchase the red one if ever my will be empty. Ohh! I also want to try their orange. Kinda looks cute? Perfect for summer. Even though summer here is already done. Hihi :3

1 comment :

Angel Wing Heart